Eco-Direct Tissue/Tail Genotyping
Eco-Direct Tissue/Tail PCR Genotyping Kit
EZ Eco-Direct Tissue/Tail PCR Genotyping Kit is
designed for rapid extraction and amplification of genomic DNA from mouse
tail/toe/ear punch and animal tissues. With the EZ Eco-Direct Tissue/Tail PCR
Genotyping Kit the extraction of genomic DNA is done by heating the sample in
Extraction Solution I at 95oC for 15 min and then mixed with Extraction
Solution II prior to PCR. An aliquot of the DNA extraction is mixed with a 2X
PCR Ready Mix III included in the kit and user-selected primers to amplify
target DNA. The 2X PCR Ready Mix III containing buffer, dNTP and Taq polymerase
is specially optimized for use with the extracted DNA. The 2X PCR Ready Mix III
contains an inert red dye that allows direct loading of PCR products onto
agarose gels to visualize amplified target.
and Benefits
Fast Protocol: Multiplexing: Significant savings: Consistent results: | Genomic DNA ready for PCR in 15 min. No overnight digestion Strip tube for parallel processing Cost-effective, no need to purify genomic DNA with expensive spin columns. Virtually 100% success rate! |

PCR analysis of DNA extracted from mouse tails using EZ Eco-Direct
Tissue/Tail PCR Genotyping Kit
Mouse genomic DNA was extracted from eight mouse tails and PCR amplification of the two target genes was carried out using EZ Eco-Direct Tissue/Tail PCR Genotyping Kit. The amplified DNA fragments (220 bp in lanes 1-8 and 498 bp in lanes 1”-8”) were analyzed on a 2% agarose gel. M: 100 bp DNA Even Ladder.
Kit Components
ECO-100 |
ECO-500 |
ECO-1000 |
Extraction Solution I |
6 ml
ml |
2 x 30 ml |
Extraction Solution II |
6 ml
ml |
2 x 30 ml |
Ready Mix III |
1 ml
5 x 1
ml |
10 x 1
ml |
Product Description
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